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How BookRentFly Works

Stay Booking

After choosing your destination, our price comparison search engine presents you all the available deals. When you click on a deal we redirect you to the corresponding booking site to complete your reservation. From there you can complete your booking and make a payment to the booking site. After your payment you will receive a confirmation email at the email address used for the booking. This confirmation email from the booking site includes all your reservation details like stay contact details, booking site's customer service etc.


Car Rental Booking

We are a "CarTrawler" intermediate partner. After choosing your destination, CarTrawler's price comparison search engine presents you all the available deals. When you click on a deal, "Cartrawler" provides you with more options to choose regarding your car rental [Optional Extras (GPS, Child toddler seat, Snow chain set etc.), Insurance Options (Limited Insurance, Premium Insurance etc.)]. In the final step you are required to input Driver's and Payment details and "Confirm booking". When you click "Confirm Booking" your payment details are securely transferred from BookRentFly, through special encryption and decryption protocols with an extra internet security layer, to "CarTrawler". Finally you will receive a confirmation email from "CarTrawler" at the email address used for the booking. This confirmation email includes all your reservation details like car supplier's contact details, "CarTrawler's" customer service etc.


Flight Booking

After choosing your destination, our price comparison search engine presents you all the available deals. When you click on a deal we redirect you to the corresponding airline/booking site to complete your reservation. From there you can complete your booking and make a payment to the airline/booking site. After your payment you will receive a confirmation email at the email address used for the booking. This confirmation email from the airline/booking site includes all your reservation details like airline's contact details, booking site's customer service etc.

Stay Booking Support

For any request regarding your stay booking (cancel, change, invoice, refund etc.), you can find the appropriate contact information, in the reservation confirmation email that you received after your payment, at the email address used for the booking, from the corresponding booking site you completed your reservation.

Car Rental Booking Support

For any request regarding your car rental booking (cancel, change, invoice, refund etc.), you can find the appropriate contact information, in the reservation confirmation email that you received from "Localrent", after your payment, at the email address used for the booking.

Flight Booking Support

For any request regarding your flight booking (cancel, change, invoice, refund etc.), you can find the appropriate contact information, in the reservation confirmation email that you received after your payment, at the email address used for the booking, from the corresponding airline/booking site you completed your reservation.

Other help

For any request regarding your stay, car or flight reservation, please refer to the contact information included in your reservation confirmation email. For any other reason, please use our contact form. Answering you as soon as possible is our first priority!